The days of begging for likes are over. The customer economy is all about doing likeable things. As the network gets smarter and smarter, it’ll know your favorite places before you do, and share those with the world – when the world is looking. So if your friends are looking for a doctor in New York City, and you live there, it’ll show them who you use, automatically, because logic suggests that if you go there a lot, you like the place, and your friends usually like what you like. It’s not private if you’re already posting from there, remember. What does this mean for your business? It means that it’s time to start focusing on the customer experience – Without that, no amount of advertising, marketing, or SEO will save you.
Your audience will learn:
- The five rules of the customer economy
- Why speed matters
- How to stay „top-of-mind“ in every customer’s mind, from beginning to end
- How millennials, as well as Generations Z and Neuroatypical are consuming content, and how you can get in front of them